• Energy and Utilities
  • Case Study

Digital Experience for Terna Digital Evolution: a new image for a new world

Terna Digital Evolution
Logo image

Terna is the first grid operator for electricity trasmission in Europe and owns virtually all of the Italian National Trasmission Grid. 

The Digital Evolution project was meant to facilitate and empower a substantial change in the company's identity and communication. Terna wanted to reposition itself and boost its reputation as one of the top players in the game of energy transition for both business and non-business audiences. 

The Agency helped Terna rethink and redesign its digital communication properties, supporting the company from UX/UI to implementation and from brand content strategy to its design and delivery.

Terna Intranet: Digital Evolution starts from within

The project carried out for Terna marks the transition from Intranet as a document repository and hub for accessing vertical tools to a true Digital Workplace. At the center of the design of the new Intranet, the focus was placed on the user experience, for whom a real smart working environment was created. This environment allows users to find sharing and collaboration tools, active document bases to easily locate the documents they need, and information to keep track of what's happening in the company and receive updates on matters relevant to them.

An approach focused on user experience was also implemented in the HR and internal communication domains, increasingly becoming an essential asset, especially in an operational context like that of corporate knowledge management systems, where the available functionalities and usage habits directly impact business efficiency.

The project was carried out in all its phases, ensuring constant process governance through the PMO function: from redesigning the user experience to rationalizing the information architecture, from the technological implementation of the system to document and digital asset management, and up to training and onboarding sessions for Terna staff.

Terna Integrated Report: from reporting to corporate storytelling

The sustainability report can also become one of the most effective and interesting communication tools to tell a company's reality. Transmitting content and messages by conveying them through an engaging story exponentially increases their communicative power. The usefulness of an engaging narrative approach becomes more evident when there is a need to disseminate technical information to a broad and non-specialized audience.

The storytelling that Var Group's Digital Experience Agency has devised for Terna, one of the major operators in electrical infrastructure, meets two needs: communicating the corporate sustainability report and doing so in a moderate and emotional manner.

The focal point of the narrative is two interactive reports hosted on a linear and intuitive mini-site. These reports tell the integrated and sustainability reports, placing them in the context of the company's story after translating them into a comprehensible and captivating plot.